NameAlida Elisabeth Laroo
, 45055
Birthabt 1895, Amsterdam, Holland
Birthabt 1895, Amsterdam, Holland
Marriage9 Sep 1920, Amsterdam, Holland
Notes for Alida Elisabeth Laroo
Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Archieflocatie Noord-Hollands Archief
Gemeente: Amsterdam
Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
Aktenummer: reg.7H;fol.16v
Datum: 09-09-1920
Bruidegom: Lucas Spieker
Leeftijd: 25
Geboorteplaats: Amsterdam
Bruid: Alida Elisabeth Laroo
Leeftijd: 25
Geboorteplaats: Amsterdam
Vader bruidegom: Lucas Spieker
Moeder bruidegom: Alida Elisabeth Gregersen
Vader bruid: Samuel Arnoldus Laroo
Moeder bruid: Maria Cornelia Meijning
Nadere informatie: beroep Bg.:smid-bankwerker;beroep vader Bg.:veemarbeider;beroep vader Bd.:stratenmaker
Alida Elizabeth Laroo was born on 4 April 1895 at Amsterdam, Holland. She was the daughter of Samuel Arnold Laroo and Marie Meining. Alida Elizabeth Laroo married Lucas Spieker, son of Lucas Spieker and Alida Gregerson, on 9 September 1920 at Amsterdam, Holland. Alida Elizabeth Laroo died on 12 May 1947 at Rockville Hospital, Vernon, Tolland County, Connecticut, USA, at age 52. She was buried at Grove Hill Cemetery, Rockville, Tolland County, Connecticut, USA. Alida Elizabeth Laroo and Lucas Spieker appeared in the census of 1930 with Lucille Alida Spieker, Samuel Arnold Spieker and Lucas Ted Spieker and they lived in 30 North Park Street, Rockville, Tolland County, Connecticut, USA.