NameAlfred Mendes
, 28888
Birthabt 1874
Notes for Alfred Mendes
. . . . Very early in his business career, around 1895, my father, whose name was Alfred and who was then twenty-one years old, sailed to Grenada to join a relative of his in a provisions business in St George's, the capital. While there, he visited the Jardim family who had anglicized their name to Jardine . . . .
. . . . And then my father met my mother at the Jardines' home one evening and the whirlwind impetuosity of his infatuation-at-sigth swept all obstacles aside. In less than a year he had taken her out of the convent and back to Trinidad as his bride, joining his brother, Albert, in the Almond Walk store . . . .
. . . . A few months before my mother died - she was already bed-ridden - my father entered into a flirtation with an attractive Portuguese woman, a member of the choir in his church, who had recently been widowed and left with a young son. My father married the widow fifteen months after my mother's death . . . .
. . . . Throughout his (father) long life (he died of oild age at ninety-six) . . . .
. . . . He (father) was back in Grenada with us all on what had become a regular annual holiday. My mother's health was slowly deteriorating and the doctors considered these holidays good for her complaint. We were again with my father's cousin John Franco, and his, by this time, even larger family - another girl baby. His wife, whom we called cousin Clementine, had migrated to Grenada, above all places, from Malta, also above all places . . . .