NameLambertus Jacobus Gauke
, 100063
Birth7 Apr 1894, Zutphen, Holland
Death29 Mar 1971, Bilthoven, Holland
Birth3 Sep 1901, Amsterdam, Holland
Death7 Mar 1981, Bilthoven, Holland
Notes for Lambertus Jacobus Gauke
From: Henk van der Stoep
Date: Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 7:54 PM
Subject: L.J. Gauke
To: bob.gauke@ . . . .
Dear Mr. Bob Gauke,
Via the Service & Ticketing Dept. of our club I got your mail with inquiry on my desk and I’m glad to inform you to be able to answer you as club-historian (archivist). Indeed I can confirm that your grandfather played a large role in the club in the 1930’s and 40’s.
From our records I learn as follows:
Born on 07-04-1894 – on our papers was mentioned born in Rotterdam but from the passport I learn that it must be ZUTPHEN.
Member of our club Feyenoord since 01-08-1914. He received the silver badge for 25 years membership in 1939 and the golden badge as well a golden watch for 50 years membership.
When he started as clubmember he lived: STREVELSWEG NR. 126B in Rotterdam.
In 1939 he moved to DORDTSESTRAATWEGnr. 902 in Rotterdam – in 1963 moved to PASCALWEG nr. 54 in Rotterdam and in 1967 he moved to the city of BILTHOVEN.
His profession: clerk in a shipping-office – lateron he was nominated as Proxy.
Functions in the club:
Member of the Board as from 1920 till 1946 as Commissioner – as Secretary and as 2nd Treasurer.
Member of several commissions as: organisations special events in the evening such as musicals-dancing as well festivities for championchips.
Commission of athletics which we had in that time – member of a commission for nomination of Feyenoord-soccerteams – member of the commission of ballloting.
As you see a lot of double-functions.
For doing all these jobs on prodeo basis he was nominated as Honorary Member on 26-07-1938.
He died on 29-03-1971 – nearly 77 years old.
Supplement: in our records I also found a membercard of: Nando Joseph GAUKE – born on 14-11-1925.
Member of the club since 28-05-1941 – at that time also living DORDTSESTRAATWEG nr. 902 so I have to suppose as being a son of senior Gauke.
He left the club on 01-05-1946 already for playing an other sport (handball)
Mr. Gauke, I hope to have served you well with all these info. Wishing you all the best in Australia where I’m wondering since what time you and your family moved from the Netherlands to Australia and if there is anyone in the family who speaks the Dutch language.
With kind regards,
Henk Th. Van der Stoep (archivist)
Bruidegom: Lambertus Jacobus Gauke
Beroep: kantoorbediende
Geboorteplaats: Zutphen
Leeftijd: 30
Bruid: Maria Metterina Geertruida de Vos
Geboorteplaats: Amsterdam
Leeftijd: 23
Vader van de bruidegom: Nando Gauke
Beroep: machinist
Moeder van de bruidegom: Tjarda Mulder
Vader van de bruid: Joseph de Vos
Beroep: havenarbeider
Moeder van de bruid: Metje Geertruida Borghstijn
Gebeurtenis: Huwelijk
Datum: 30-10-1924
Gebeurtenisplaats: Amsterdam
Documenttype: BS Huwelijk
Erfgoedinstelling: Noord-Hollands Archief
Plaats instelling: Haarlem
Collectiegebied: Noord-Holland
Aktenummer: Reg.3G fol. 27
Registratiedatum: 30-10-1924
Akteplaats: Amsterdam